1993 Newspapers

Curious about what happened on a specific day in 1993 to capture the attention of the nation? Historic Newspapers has the largest collection of authentic newspapers in the world, featuring over 4 million originals from some of America’s most trusted sources for news. Our range features titles such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Dallas Morning News.

The 1990s saw the rise of a truly digital age, with the effects of globalization becoming increasingly apparent. It was a decade characterized by girl power, rave culture, and political instability. Discover what it was like to read about some of the most shocking events with an original newspaper from the day it was published.

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1993 Newspapers

1993 Newspaper Headlines

Which 1993 headlines are still remembered today for how they affected the course of history? Read about major events in 1993 with an authentic newspaper written and published during the year. Some of the most remarkable headlines of 1993 were Bill Clinton’s ascension as the President of the United States and the birth of the World Wide Web at CERN. It was also the year that tennis star Monica Seles was stabbed by an obsessive fan, a van bomb exploded and killed 6 people at the World Trade Center, and Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar was gunned down by police. Read about all these page turning events and more in an original 1993 newspaper.

January 3, 1993 
The second Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty is signed in Moscow by George H. W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin.

January 5, 1993 
Westley Allan Dodd is executed by hanging in the state of Washington. This is the first legal hanging in America since 1965.

January 20, 1993
Bill Clinton succeeds George H.W. Bush as the 42nd President.

February 26, 1993
In New York City, a van bomb parked below the North Tower of the World Trade Centre explodes, killing six people and injuring over 1,000.

March 13-14, 1993 
The eastern United States is struck by the Great Blizzard of 1993, in which record snowfall is brought along with other severe weather all the way from Cuba to Quebec. Reportedly 184 people are killed.

April-October, 1993 
The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers flood large portions of the American Midwest, starting the Great Flood of 1993.

April, 1993
The Kuwaiti government claims to uncover an Iraqi assassination plot against former U.S. President George H. W. Bush shortly after he visited Kuwait. Two Iraqi nationals confess to driving a car bomb into Kuwait on behalf of the Iraqi Intelligence Service.

April 9, 1993 
The rock band Nirvana play a benefit concert at San Francisco’s Cow Palace for rape victims in war-torn Bosnia-Herzegovina.

April 16, 1993
Srebrenica falls in the Bosnian War.

April 28, 1993 
An executive order requires the United States Air Force to allow women to fly war planes.

April 30, 1993
The World Wide Web is born at CERN.

April 30, 1993
Tennis star Monica Seles is stabbed in the back during a change-over in the Hamburg quarter-finals. GĂĽnter Parche, an obsessed fan of Steffi Graf, is later convicted of the crime, but escapes a jail term on the grounds of insanity. Monica Seles is traumatised by the incident and does not step foot on a tennis court for over two years.

June 27, 1993 
President Bill Clinton orders a cruise missile attack on Iraqi intelligence headquarters in the Al-Mansur District of Baghdad. This was a response to the attempted assassination of former President George H. W. Bush that happened during his visit to Kuwait in mid April.

July 1, 1993 
Eight people are killed and six people are injured by Gian Ferris before he commits suicide at a law firm in San Francisco. The incident prompted new legislative actions for gun control.

July 19, 1993 
Regarding homosexuals serving in the military, President Bill Clinton announces his “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

July 27, 1993 
Windows NT 3.1 is released to manufacturing as the first version of Microsoft’s line of Windows NT operating systems.

August 21, 1993 
NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft.

September 13, 1993
Palestine Liberation Organisation leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shake hands in Washington D.C. after signing a peace accord.

October 19, 1993
Benazir Bhutto becomes the first woman elected to lead a post-colonial Muslim state in Pakistan.

August 25, 1993 
Actor Vincent Prince dies of lung cancer.

October 31, 1993
American actor River Phoenix (b. 1970) dies from a drug overdose outside “The Viper Room”, a nightclub owned by fellow actor Johnny Depp.

December 2, 1993
Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, head of the MedellĂ­n Cartel, is gunned down in MedellĂ­n when police try to arrest him.

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